
dot.jpg  Greetings from Senior Pastor


The Senior Pastor
Rev.Dr. Chang Young Know

Welcome in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord over all nations. Since its foundation in 1974, Gaebong Church has always been committed to faithfully fulfill the Great Commission of making disciples of all nations. Our church offers worship, blessed sermon, over-seas and domestic missions and services, Christian education for all age groups, and fellowship among God's people.
For all who come to the blessed feast of heaven at Gaebong Church, we are committed to help experience the grace of forgiveness (forgiveness of sins), the grace of salvation (entering the eternal heaven), the grace of healing (healing of spirit that was hurt and torn), and the grace of hope (to those who are in frustration and despair).
Gaebong Church welcomes you any time.
Visit us.
Join us in the heavenly blessings.
dot.jpg  Our Church


Founded in 1974, Gaebong Church is growing with the Lord's blessings. It is a member of the Presbyterian Church of Korea(Tong-Hap Denomination). With the retired pastor Rev. Se Chul Oh, who had lead the ministry for 20 years, the senior pastor Rev. Know, three associate pastors,two full time women pastors, one semi-full time man pastors in parish and education department, and six education pastors are presently serving the church. We are supporting one missionary families in fully supporting situation, six missionary families in mainly supporting situation, 25 co-operating missionary families, six prayer partner missionany families; a total of 38 families for overseas mission. We are also supporting 70 new planting churches in the rural or remote areas, and various Christian missionary organizations. We have 1,400 registered adult members, with 1,100 members attending 5 times Sunday worship services on the regular basis, and 500 kids and youths receiving Christian education in Sunday schools.
dot.jpg  Our Goal


"A Church that fulfills the Great Commission of Jesus Christ!"

Before Jesus ascended to heaven, he commanded the church to "go and make disciples of all nations" (Matt. 28: 19~20). This Great Commission includes ① helping the non-believers to believe in Jesus Christ by preaching the gospel (preaching of gospel) ② strengthening them so they could be planted firmly in the Church (baptizing) ③ teaching them to grow as true disciples (teaching). Gaebong Church will devote herself to fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ with a goal to make disciples of all nations.
dot.jpg  The Four Ministerial Areas


  • Worship Service and Sermon

    "Church of abundant gospel"
    Worship service is a place of heavenly feast given by God and a passage to a bountiful life for God's people.
    Each Sunday Gaebong Church offers Three time the morning services, which are traditional presbyterian worship services, 4th service which is a more Open worship service for young adults, Sunday afternoon service, an Open service with praise and sharing, and on Wednesdays expository sermon is given. The powerful and spiritual fully based on the Bible will help you experience a spiritual abundance.
  • Domestic and Overseas Mission

    "A Church that is a witness of Christ!"
    Our Overseas Mission Committee was set up in 1983, and since then we have laid the foundation for South East Asia Mission, through building Mission Center in Philippines which led to the founding of the Antipolo Presbyterian Church, and running the All Asian Bible and Music College(temporarily closed). Presently we are supporting 38 missionaries financially and through prayer, including three full-support missionaries. Also, for domestic mission, we are supporting 70 new planting churches in the rural and remote areas, and Christian missionary organizations for the military, hospitals, the disabled, and North Korea.
  • Christian Education

    "Church that shares love"
    For the fellowship of love, the congregation has been divided into District cell groups, according to their place of residence, and have regular district cell group services. There are men's, women's, married couples', and special cell groups, and also seven men's Mission groups and 10 women's Missin groups are actively working for the fellowship among the members, evangelizing, and reaching out the losts.
    We are reaching out to our neighbors by helping and feeding the homeless, offering social services to our neighbors in need, giving help for the foreign workers, and banquets and trips for the elderly.
dot.jpg  Directions


  • Subway

    1. Take Subway Line #1 to Gaebong station. Come out through exit #1 (Gwangmung / Hyundae Apartment direction)
    2. Enter Hyundae Apartments complex through the entrance, walk straight through the apartment inner roads about 40m.
    3. Turn right at the guard post and come out through the main gate.
    4. Turn left and you will see a overpass and then a Bank on your left.
    5. Turn left at the bank shop, walk 20m, and you will see Gaebong Catholic Church on your left.
    6. Turn right and walk straight 30m.
    7. Welcome! On your right you will see Gaebong2-dong office, and on your left, the main building of Gaebong Church.
  • Bus

    1. Southern Circular Road(Nambusunhwan do-ro) : 3, 75, 651, 652, 5012, airport 604 Get off at Gaebong Station.
    2. Other roads : 1, 11, 17, 22, 39, 301, 320, 510, 6513, 6616, 6637, 6638, 6639, airport 604-1 - Get off at Hyundae Apartments complex or Joong-Ang market
  • Map

dot.jpg  Worship Service and Meeting Information


  • Worship Services
    Gathering Time Place
    Sunday 1st Worship Service 7:30 AM Main Sanctuary
    2nd Worship Service 9:30 AM
    3rd Worship Service 11:30 AM
    4th Worship Service 1:30 PM

    Mainly Young Adult / Middle Size Sanctuary

    5th Sunday Afternoon
    Worship Service

    3:30 PM Main Sanctuary
    Early Morning Prayer Service 5:00 AM
    Wednesday Worship Service 7:00 PM
    Friday Last Night Prayer Meeting 8:00 PM
  • Sunday School
    Gathering Time Place

    Nursing Group

    Sunday 11:30AM Main Sanctuary


    Sunday 11:30AM
    (Temporarily not managing)
    Main Sanctuary 2F
    Infants room


    Sunday 11:30AM Education Building 2F
    Toddlers room
    Sunday 11:30AM Education Building 2F
    Preschoolers room
    Children I
    [1st & 2nd & 3rd grade]
    Sunday 11:30AM Education Building 2F Children I room
    Children II Sunday 11:30AM
    (Temporarily not managing)
    Education Building 3F Children II room
    Children III
    [4th & 5th & 6th grade]
    Sunday 11:30AM Education Building 3F Children III room
    Youth I
    [Middle School]
    Sunday 9:30AM Education Building 4F Youth I room
    Youth II
    [High School]
    Sunday 9:30AM Middle Size Sanctuary
    Young Adults I
    (up to 26 yrs.)
    Sunday 1:30PM Middle Size Sanctuary
    Young Adults II
    (over 27 yrs.)
    Sunday 1:30PM Middle Size Sanctuary
  • Auxiliary Oranization
    Organization Time
    Gaebong Christian Preschool 8:30AM ~ 2:00PM
    Gaebong Elderly School 1st Semester (March~June):
    Thursday 10:00AM ~ 1:00PM
    2nd Semester (Sept.~Dec.):
    Thursday 10:00AM ~ 1:00PM
    Gaebong Baby School 1st Semester: 8weeks (Saturday)
    All Asian Bible And Music College All year (Philippines)
    Palm Tree Cafe Sunday 9:00AM ~ 5:00PM
    Thursday 1:00PM ~ 2:00PM
  • Sister Partnership Church

     Chingmei Baptist Church   Taipei / Taiwan